I would like to raise money for The Silver Star Society Fund (0347), the specialist maternity ward at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, so that other mums can have the same life changing help that my family and I did.
My daughter, Kate, is currently in her first year at Nottingham Uni, studying psychology. Back in March 2003, we would never have thought that this might even be possible. Kate was born at 27 weeks, weighing just 1 lb 3.5 ounces - that's 560g - just larger than those really small bags of rice or pasta you can buy. I could hold her whole head and body in just one hand.
I had got early onset pre-eclampsia at 24 weeks, and was taken by ambulance to Silver Star - the specialist maternity ward at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford.
I was very frightened and totally confused and bewildered, but I immediately felt in safe hands. The lovely staff and the whole team were so obviously brilliant at their jobs and completely used to my complex pregnancy. They monitored my health four hourly, adjusting my medication accordingly, and scanned the baby daily.
It was such a relief to know that I was being looked after so thoroughly and that nothing would be missed. Prof Chris Redman explained to me that they could normally keep mothers going for 2-3 weeks from arrival, and that every additional day was crucial.
When the medication couldn't be increased any more without damaging the baby, little Kate was born! I know that the skill and care of the whole Silver Star team made a huge difference to Kate's future health and well being, and we are eternally grateful for all the support we received.
Two years later our son, Joe, was born. The Silver Star team had explained that the pre-eclampsia was usually less severe for subsequent pregnancies. This time I was closely monitored by Silver Star from day 1, and made it all the way to 37 weeks! - Joe was born a bonny 4 1/2 lbs. He didn't even need to spend any time in the special care baby unit. He's currently doing his A levels and, like his sister, is pretty sporty and plays a lot of football.
I would like to raise money for Silver Star so that other mums can have the same life changing help that my family and I did.
After many years of reading about other people running the London Marathon for Silver Star, I have been gradually working up to reaching the challenge myself. I did my first 10k 6 years ago, my first half marathon last year and this year I want to achieve the final hurdle!
I would be incredibly appreciative if you could contribute to my fundraising page - no matter how large or small, all donations can make a huge difference and are gratefully received.
Thank you