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In 1980 Oliver an Asiatic black bear (also known as a moon bear) was placed in a cage in a prone position and "milked" every day for his bile. This is a very painful procedure. (see the picture below)
The cage was too small for Oliver to move around so he lay like this for a long time, a very, very long time. He lay there throughout the 1980's while I grew up and enjoyed primary school. The 1990's passed and I enjoyed my teenage years and still Oliver lay in pain in that same cage in the same position that he always had.
The millenium came and went and the "naughties" for me brought a family and a career and yet the days months and years still passed filled with frustration and pain for Oliver as he remained trapped. Then one day (Wed 21st Apr 2010) a team from Animals asia took Oliver from his cage and gave him the care and freedom that he didn't know existed. He spent 30 years in that cage - that's more than 11000 painful, mind numbing, frustrating days. Just thinking about an intelligent creature like this trapped and helpless spurs me on to complete my challenge so that Animals asia can carry on rescuing these animals and working to end bile farming.
Every pound makes a difference - So please dig deep and donate now - thankyou, Emily x