It would be lovely if you can help us to make a difference…
Emily Nott, is organising Gosfield School’s charity event in aid of the Willow Foundation.
On the 22nd & 23rd of January, Gosfield School and GIFA (Gosfield Indoor Football Assn.) will be hosting a 24 hour 5-A-Side football marathon to raise funds for the Willow Foundation. Having raised a total of £8,000 on two previous occasions we are hoping to raise in excess of £4,000 again this year.
As you may be aware, the Willow Foundation provides special days for seriously ill young adults to enjoy memorable times with the people they care about. Special Day experiences provide the individual, their family and friends, with a chance to realize a dream, capture a moment or simply return some normality back into their lives.
'I will be playing for one of our girls teams so if you are able to dig deep and sponsor me or any other participants, it will be greatly appreciated. We have a number of supportive VIP's, which includes Bob Wilson & his wife Meg, who founded the charity in memory of their daughter Anna. Bob and his wife are hoping to join us for the opening and to sign copies of his wonderful autobiogrophy'.
Many thanks for your valued support Emily