Thanks for visiting my page. This weekend 3 generations of our family will be climbing Snowdon to celebrate World Heart Day and hopefully leave a lasting legacy for other families who are less fortunate.
At the weekend Paula, Steve & Corey (the Scaife's) and Shelley, Simon & Jordann (Clark/Addis) will be accompanying Grandad Barrie up to the summit! Barrie turns 69 in a couple of weeks and Corey is only 11 - this isn't going to be easy for any of us but we're determined to do it!
The whole family (Grandad, Paula & Shelley) suffer from familial hypercholesterolemia, an inherited high cholesterol level which increases the chances of heart disease. We know firsthand how important it is to fund research and help other families beat heartbreak forever.
Anything you can spare, will make a real difference.
Thank You