Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page!My name is Ellie Brady and I am currently studying Maths,French and Psychology at Boswells College. After visiting the beautiful Isle of Coll for a Project Trust selection course ,I am excited to be spending a year volunteering overseas teaching english in Senegal.
Protect Trust is special in that it sends volunteers overseas for 8-12 months as they feel that this is the only way for volunteers to really learn about and appreciate the local culture and be able to mke a difference
.In order to take part in this once in a lifetime experience I need to fundraise
I am organsing a nunber of local fundraising events to help me towards this target. I am also hoping to do a supermarket bag packing day,and am writing to grant making trusts who may be able to support me
.Any donation no matter how small would be greatly appreciated ,including help with raffle prizes and venues to hold events .