You’ve all arrived here because you have heard my story, and this is now hopefully the final act in all the wonderful support you have all given me since that horrible diagnosis in autumn 2020. Complications got in the way and stopped me from running for over 5 months last year, so I couldn’t run the 2021 London Marathon as planned, but I have now finished the majority of my treatments (just a bit more corrective surgery to go, but that can wait until after the marathon 😉) and I’m fit and well, ready to take on the challenge on 2nd October 2022.
I have been totally overwhelmed with all the thoughtful messages, cards, care packages, meals, flowers, hats, chocolates, rude colouring books, Facebook interactions...... From near and far, from new friends to long-lost friends, from my wonderful extended family, from neighbours, colleagues, clients, friends of friends, parents of friends, colleagues of friends.....!!! I am so truly blessed and every single little message or 👍 or FB “like” has made a difference to me - I am so lucky.
And now I am more blessed than ever to have a chance to help others who don’t have this amazing level of support through this shitty disease, and get super-fit in the process 🤗
Thank you for getting behind me -it will be a massive challenge for many different reasons. Ihope to do you proud xxx