I haven't really gone into detail as to why I'm doing this. The reason I'm doing this is because I lost my nana, my bestfriend and the person that meant the most to me in the world to cancer🙏🏽 It changed mine and my families life so much, our lives will never be the same. People say it gets easier as time goes on but it doesn't, you just learn to live with it and everyday is still as hard as the first😔
My nana is not the only person my family has lost to this horrible illness, we also lost my auntie Liz. I wasn't born when we lost my auntie but from what I've heard she was an amazing woman and I would've been lucky to of met her🙏🏽
Basically what I'm trying to say is that I'm doing this for a good cause and anyone who knows me knows how much I love my hair😂 So any donations would mean a lot🙏🏽❤