My name is Ellie and I work at the Ida Darwin Hospital in Fulbourn. We care for children and young people, supporting them with their mental health. This year has been incredibly tough for all especially young people and their families.
Head to Toe Charity supports our young people and has been actively helping fund lots of projects including games, activities, distraction packs, gardening materials and many more. All of these have really helped the wellbeing of our young people and has been appreciated by both patients and staff. The charity is also assisting by supplying funding to help make a more welcoming environment for the patients on site.
I would like to raise as much money as I can to help Head to Toe continue to fund projects like this so I have set myself the task of running 3 big races this year.
First up - Bury to Clare challenge which is 18 miles (9 May)
Followed by - Virtual London marathon (3 October)
And to finish - Cambridge Half marathon (17 October)
Head to Toe is the charity for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT). We help our amazing NHS staff to provide even better care and treatment by enhancing the services that CPFT provides, supporting people of all ages receiving mental health, community and social care across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.