Eilidh Runs 10k for OCD UK

Eilidh Runs 🏃♀️ 10k for OCD UK · 17 May 2020
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When the pandemic first broke out there was quite a bit of stuff circulating the media about how people with OCD would be particularly badly affected by it. I thought to myself: hOw DaRe ThE gOvErNmEnT aCcUsE mE oF bEiNg VuLnEraBLe??!!!
The main symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder are unpleasant thoughts and repetitive behaviours, which you cannot control.
For more reasons than you would immediately think (hand washing rules, no-touching rules, staying inside rules, only going out once a day rules, the two metre rule) lockdown can be super challenging for someone with OCD.
WHO actually ranked OCD in the top 10 of the most disabling illnesses of any kind, in terms of lost earnings and diminished quality of life.
It is estimated that 1.2% of the population in the UK have OCD, or 12 out of every 1,000 people, however these estimates might not tell the whole story. Many more may be suffering in silence.
OCD UK: “In the next few minutes somebody will email or call OCD-UK to reach out for help or support, and we need your help so that we can continue to be there for them“.
Find out more about OCD UK here:
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