Local ESFRS crews from Rother and Hastings - Justin Goodchild, Marc Wise, Stuart Holden and AshleyMepham are supporting the delivery of local water safety interventions andhelping to raise awareness around being water aware with an innovativefund-raising initiative, this time to raise money for to help set up and start a Rookie Lifeguard Beach School at Camber Sands for local youngpeople to engage and learn in coastal awareness and rookie life-saving skills .The Rookie Lifeguard programme is designed to teach young people a variety oflife saving skills including survival, rescue, life support and water safety.The programmes will offer the first opportunity to explore the water safety,gradually gaining independence and confidence whilst learning vital life skills.
They will be hosting a Charity Kayak event, where crews will be kayaking from BodiamCastle to Camber Sands, which is approximately 20 miles on Saturday 29 April to coincide with CFOA Water Safety Week (24 – 30 June).
Drowning in the UK accounts for more accidental fatalities annually than fire deaths in the home or cycling deaths on the road and ESFRS regularly deals with the consequences of localwater related emergencies which has a significant impact on our local communities.
As part of our integrated riskmanagement plan we have a duty of care to keep people safe and the Servicerecently produced our 2016–2019 Water Safety Strategy.