Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
We are a group of friends and colleagues all brought together by the fearless passion, commitment and drive for life of one man, Ross Cunliffe. No matter what is thrown at this man his determination to win means he will fight to secure every ounce of his future. Thankfully he's had great support from his family, friends and medical teams that has given us all more valuable time to spend with Ross - we'd like to give something back by raising some much needed cash for this largely little known and rare condition. Please give generously, and thank you.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Ross jogging round with us in March...!
Ross's Story - in his words:
"....I was a really keen athlete and cyclist but started to feel very tired in early 2013. This got worse and worse and despite going for a series of tests we couldn't find the problem. Eventually, really through luck, one doctor suggested we look to see if this was being caused by Amyloidosis. This is a rare condition affecting about 500 people a year. Essentially, rogue cancerous cells are created in your bone marrow. These go on to create fibres called Light Chains which build up in various organs. For me they built up around my heart causing it to become enlarged and very stiff. This will quickly lead to the heart falling completely and the median survival is around 7 months. I was hugely lucky to get the diagnosis early and went through 6 months of chemotherapy treatment in the first half of 2014, followed by a stem cell transplant in September which has 'stabilised' the disease. I'm now getting stronger each day and the objective of the transplant is to give me the longest possible period of 'normality'. The condition is incurable and will return but I'm unbelievably lucky to still be here and life is actually pretty good, certainly when faced with the alternative......"