What could you do in 30 hours?
- Listen to War and Peace ... 3 times!
- Watch the full Harry Potter box set...followed by the full Lord of the Rings Trilogy!
- Drive to Paris... and back!
- Fly to New Zealand...including stops!
Well, we're going to...
walk 100k from Glasgow to Edinburgh. We'll be walking non-stop through the night all in aid of the British Heart Foundation.
The BHF is a wonderful organisation which fights to keep our hearts healthy. Their research extends lives, their training creates lifesavers and their advice allows people to make informed decisions.
For the next 3 months we'll be braving blisters, aching muscles and the many extremes of the Scottish Summer to get ourselves in to shape to complete the challenge!
Please help us along the way and make our efforts worthwhile by donating what you can (and by not laughing too much when you see us dragging our aching bodies around!).
Ta very much
Becca & Katie