In my 50th year I want to challenge myself in experiencing things, both small and large that I have never done before in my time here on earth. Without costing a small fortune in financing the experiences I have had help from some of my closest friends to come up with some tasks on my 50th year.
The tasks are all related- endurance, personal fitness and wellbeing, charitable and family. All of the tasks listed are either things I have never done, thought of doing or choose not to do! (For instance; reading a book or doing the ironing). There are some random ones too !
I have just over 6 months to cram in 50 tasks, that's just over 8 tasks a month. I will be posting my evidence on this page and FB. All I ask for is if I have completed all the tasks by the 11th July could you please donate just £5.00 once they have been completed.
Here is the task list to attempt;
In No Order…
- Milk a cow or goat.
- Run a Half Marathon - Completed Taunton Half 2hr:10m
- Run a Full Marathon - booked 12June Yeovil Full
- Eat a bowl of Oysters - Completed - 12 Feb
- Run up Glastonbury Tor - Completed 10 Jan
- Stand under a natural waterfall
- Do the 3 Peak challenge
- Volunteer in a homeless centre for the day - Booked 21st MarchB
- Ride a horse
- Try Snowboarding
- Take Lily to her first dance lesson
- Make a Bear Grylls style survivor camp in woods
- Camp one night in the “Bear Grylls camp” with boys
- Bake a cake - DONE 3/1/16
- Buy a coffee for homeless person and share one with them.
- Wing Walking
- Learn how to build a stone wall
- Tea at the Ritz
- Teach Will how to drive
- Brew my own cider
- Golf lesson
- Drive a tractor
- Watch all StarWars films back to back with the lads
- Have a Turkish Shave - Completed Taunton @ Taunton Marmaris
- Chest Wax
- Canoe from House on the River Parrot to the Sea
- Go to Wimbledon
- Spin a potters wheel and make a clay pot.
- Read a Shakespeare Play - Reading 'As You Like It'
- Do the Abs six pack challenge - STARTED
- Give blood - DONE 29/1/16
- Register as a donor - DONE 5/1/16
- Do an oil painting and frame it
- Ride on a motorbike
- Cycle to Lands End
- 1 Random act of kindness each month - (1) Bag of Clothes given to Stephen homeless - @Whapping Wharf Bridge 22/1/16, Sponsored 2 work colleagues Feb, Toni / Elliott
- Do a full basket of ironing - Completed 24/1/16
- Cook a five course meal for Sarah - Completed 13 Feb
- Shear a sheep
- Don’t lose my temper with the Kids - Jan just managed it! -
- Fish in the River Parrett with boys
- Try Surfing
- Visit new Wembley Stadium
- Brew Wine and produce Chateau Wells Wine - Started 28th Feb
- Colonic Irrigation!
- Make a donation each month to a Charity
- Have a date night with Sarah at least 3 times a month- Jan / Feb Done
- Write one blog per month - Jan completed
- Put Lily to bed one night per week (if she lets me!)
- Throw a fifty party bash in garden