After 16 years of the non-stop NYC hustle, working for big sports & entertainment companies, traveling nonstop, commuting 2 hours+ daily, leading events tirelessly, powering through endless company mergers etc.; I never realized what I was chasing wasn't within my day to day. It's not until I found the animal welfare industry, that I realized that this was what I've been looking for, all those years...
Working for the only animal and open admission shelter in Dorchester County has taught me more in the last two months, then I could ever imagine. It's taught me more about the world, who I am, it's taught me character and who I want to be, more than any job has ever taught me. Our days here are real. They are emotional. There are days where it takes all you're made of to keep going. BUT at the end of the day, the 1,000 animals we have taken since I started, are worth it and DESERVE to be helped.
We aren't just a shelter. We are a second chance. We are a home to many residents (some for 100's of days). We are the last resort. We are the voice, for the voiceless.
Dorchester Paws, is my home and I need your help, to allow us to do what we do on a daily basis for those that are lost, abandoned or dumped.
Donate to help save a life, I know they will thank you.