In February 2015 I will be volunteering for two weeks in Africa with Cricket Without Boundaries (CWB), a cricket development and Aids awareness charity based in the UK. I am aiming to raise a minimum of £750 which will be used to pay for cricket equipment for children which will be left in the country.
be raising money through various fundraising activities in the lead-up to the
big day. One of these events is the running the 'Sure Run to Beat 10k marathon' on the 14th September 2014. I have also created an auction at Leeds Trinity University, helped with bag packing at local shopping stores and organised a race night. If you'd like to show your support by giving a donation, it will be greatly appreciated.
If you’d like to show your support by doing this, please give me a call on 07749099002 and I can come and collect the prize – anything will help, no matter how big or small.