My gorgeous niece Leah was born on the 24th May 2009 with a condition called gastroschisis. While Leah was in St Georges hospital my sister was able to stay in the Ronald McDonald House to be close to her. RMHC supplies free accomodation for parents of poorly children and without them Steph would have had less time with her daughter.
Leah sadly passed away on 16th October 2009 and I am so grateful to the RMHC that my sister got to spend as much time as possible with her. Im raising money for this charity in Leahs name so they can continue to provide this amazing service to other parents, I completed a 10,000 ft tandem parachute jump on 17th April 2011 EEK!! I am so grateful to all those that sponsored me and will be leaving this page up for anyone that wishes to support this fantastic charity. Please donate whatever you can, no matter how large or small every donation makes a difference. Many thanx, Dana x