Deep down I have always wanted to run a marathon but never really had the drive, ambition or energy to attempt one.
It was whilst I was watching the 2004 London Marathon on TV back in April that the phenomenal commitment and drive of the runners really hit home. It may sound cheesy, but it felt like a switch clicked in my head and that was it. I knew I had to run in the 2005 London Marathon. I did realise that running a marathon probably wasn't going to be easy, however suffering a little back ache and foot ache is nothing compared to coping with such an unforgiving disease as Cancer, hence why I chose to run for CLIC.
My training began in mid December and Julia (my girlfriend) is slowly coming to terms with being a runners widow and I'm slowly coming to terms with the endless washing of smelly running kit! I sometimes think the washing is worse than the training!
Just to give you an idea of what your money could be spent on, please read the below:
£1,700 will accommodate a family in a CLIC Home from Home for three months. Three months is often the length of time a child will be receiving treatment.
£1,850 will fund a Play Specialist for a month. Throughout their work Play Specialists can enable children to receive radiotherapy without having to be sedated, resulting in fewer side affects and shorter more intense treatment.
£1,500 is my target, but as you can see above, a few extra hundred pound really will make a difference. So please dig deep and help me, help CLIC.
So please sponsor me now!
Many thanks for your support.