This school year, Dronfield Henry Fanshawe Sixth Form is raising money for Sheffield’s Cathedral Archer Project. Through the Dronfield 10K and Fun Run in March 2017, we hope to reach and transcend our donation target of £1,000, helping to provide assistance for Sheffield’s vulnerable and homeless.
In previous years, Henry Fanshawe sixth form has made donations to different charities selected each term by the whole school. However, back in September, students decided to commit the sixth form’s annual contribution to just one charity of their own choosing - in the hope that, over the course of nine months, we could make a significant difference for a cause we were all passionate about. Many of us live in and around Sheffield; we have been acutely aware of the problem of homelessness in the city. Therefore, the Cathedral Archer Project seemed a fantastic cause to contribute our time, money and effort to. As of November, we have raised £600 through a variety of in-school fundraising events such as a quiz night, Mario Kart competition and pyjama day. We also hope to do a ‘sleep out’ in Sheffield City centre in the spring to raise awareness and money for the Archer Project’s admirable cause.
Through sponsoring our students and staff running the 10K and Fun Run in Dronfield Woodhouse, we hope that you will help us build on the sixth form’s fundraising success. The 10K route involves a climb up Pentland Road to Carr Lane, before coming down Leabrook Road and Gosforth Drive – two gruelling laps of the race’s main loop (check the route map out here:, finishing in Sindelfingen Park. Any donations and sponsorships of students for this race would be greatly appreciated. Progress towards our donation target is currently being gauged by a ‘donation thermometer’ in our sixth form area. One day, coming into school, it would be fantastic to see our contribution to the Cathedral Archer Project finally met, making a step – however small – towards eradicating homelessness in Sheffield.