Video of our challenge:
Sion Roberts, Alex Guinibert, Henry Edelstein and Tom Hill have completed the ascent and descent of Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis in 10 hours 58 minutes. This is well under the 13 hour aimed time limit.
The distance we walked is roughly 25 miles, the height we climbed is around 10,000 feet, and the distance we covered between the mountains is some 450 miles, which we travelled using only public transport.
'WaterAid is an international non governmental organisation focused exclusively on improving poor people's access to safe water, improved hygiene and sanitation. WaterAid works in Africa, Asian and the Pacific region and campaigns globally to realise a vision of a world where every has access to these basic human needs. '
Please help us work towards a world where everyone can have access to clean, safe water. Just £15 can give the life changing gift of clean water to one person.
So please dig deep and give what you can for this great cause,
Thank you,
Sion, Alex, Henry and Tom