Coronavirus is impacting all of our lives. This crisis is the biggest challenge Samaritans has ever faced. Before Coronavirus hit, 20,000 Samaritans volunteers were answering a call for help every six seconds.This could be someone you know, family or friends in urgent need but unable to talk to anyone in the middle of the night. It is more important than ever for Samaritans to be there 24/7, 365 days a year for those who need us. Samaritans' helpline is feeling the pressure. They're likely to experience more people struggling to cope or in crisis and they may have less volunteers to help answer calls for help. Their teams are working hard to ensure that we can still be here 24/7, 365 days a year for those who are in crisis. Your donation to Samaritans Emergency Appeal will help them reach those who are struggling to cope. It will help Samaritans recruit more volunteers and work faster on different ways to be there. Change the life of someone who desperately needs them. Because of this I am creating a pageant magazine where pageant people can submit photos, articles and have interviews at a cost of £2 each, the magazine will be ran once a month as long as the minimum amount of submissions have been met. You can also enter the front cover competition which is £5 to enter xx