Hello and thank you for coming to our fundraising page.
For the 6th year, our team from Cripps Sears and Partners will be taking part in The ABC Hike and Bike Challenge 2016 in South Africa.
Our Bikers will undertake a challenging bike-ride over 5 days and the Hikers, shadowing them, will trek significant sections along the Garden Route to the Red Cross Memorial Children's Hospital in Cape Town.
ABC – Action for Burns and Children – is an organisation dedicated to the PREVENTION of burn and scald injuries to children in the home by educating families and child carers and also the REHABILITATION of seriously burned children.
Our mission is to improve the quality of life for child burn survivors and promote burn prevention world wide.
Funds raised by ABC go towards:
· Rehabilitation for child burn survivors;
· Providing fire recovery kits to families who have lost their homes and all their possessions in shack fires.
· Providing long term support and education for burned children who have been rejected by their families
· Providing necessary burns related clinical equipment
ABC was founded six years ago by Cripps Sears & Partners Limited in celebration of the firm’s 35th birthday with the goal of raising funds for good causes. ABC’s aim is to help children whose lives have been adversely affected through burn injury to themselves or by someone on whom they are dependent. This aim lies at the heart of our long-standing concern for the devastating problem of child burns around the world – a concern that saw CS&P co-sponsor a Moscow-based programme which sought to reduce childhood burns throughout the FSU regions by providing schools with educational material about fire safety and burn prevention and organising and funding Burn Camps for young burns survivors.
If you are kindly sponsoring us, please leave your name so that we are able to thank you personally!