On Saturday, 10th September 2011 Tony, Clare, Alex and Theo ran or walked with family and friends and the JDRF ( Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) to raise much needed funds for research into finding a cure for diabetes. We are grateful for any support and encouragement you can give us .
This is part of Tonys year long fund raising for JDRF ( and many thanks to everyone who has donated thus far) . Every little helps, but we have farther to go.
Everyone has a story, or a cause close to their hearts. Ours is simple. Our committment to JDRF began 14 years ago, when our son Alex was only 3 years old.
Alex was rushed into hospital with what transpired were classic symptons. We stayed there for a week, he was hooked up to machines, and in this time we had to learn to give a tiny child insulin injections, do finger prick blood tests, totally change the way we ate and how we lived. For many years we were reliant on our hospital and the fabulous doctors and nurses who looked after us. JDRF soon became an important part of our lives.
This was a difficult period for everyone. There have been ups and downs, but Alex is emerging as a young adult who is his own man, wanting to do things his own way, and we are very proud of his detirmination to take control of his life .
Many thanks,
Tony, Alex Theo and Clare