Welcome to my Just-Giving page raising funds for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People! I will be raising funds in tandem with my April 17, 2011 run of the London Marathon.
I've recently added a training update below. Do keep reading / scrolling down the page to learn more about me and Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Cheers.
Check out the Morrison Blog for the full story of my London Marathon experience:
Brilliant! Mission, "Run the London Marathon," complete. It was an incredible experience. I took in all the sights, soaked up the vibrant atmosphere and enjoyed my run. The hot, hot sun took us by surprise and slowed everyone down. I was most appreciative of all the water stops and Jelly Babies from the spectators - that was super.
Seeing my family at mile 25 was such a boost. I was thrilled and emotionally over-whelmed to have their support and hear them cheer me on. It was enough of a boost to power me through to the finish line. Plus, they were all drinking beer and wine, and eating a lovely picnic, the sooner I finished, the sooner I could join them.
I finished in 5hrs and 15mins and I am already looking forward to my next marathon and beating my own time.
Training Update:
I’m excited, nervous and bloomin’ knackered! Last Saturday, I ran 14.52 miles. It felt great except for my burnt nose, blistered feet and sorely bottom. Yep! I said it out loud. Since I’ve become a runner I’ve been much more open about my bodily functions; all kinds of weird stuff happens to you when you put your body through this much stress. It’s life changing and enlightening. My sorely bottom was due to some unfortunate chafing from a Lady-Towel in the nether regions. Lucky me. And Joe wondered why I was a tad irritable walking miles around Madrid that afternoon. I must have looked like I was riding my invisible horse named Sir Chafalot. One top of that, my favorite Nike headphones broke after 2.5 years, and now these other things I’m using are annoying me no end – my ears can’t breathe! I know, I'm mad but it's true!
The reason I put myself through all this: Well, I’m running for charity – Hearing Dogs for Deaf People – my goal is to raise £2,500. I can’t help it. I’ve got to do something to give back to the community and feel like I’ve made a contribution to society. I could have picked a more global charity but really, supporting the underdog, no pun intended, is just the greatest feeling. The UK’s Hearing Dog scheme was founded on various programs in the US – I’ve posted a link to the history of it all starting back in 1979 when an American Professor spoke at the British Small Animal Veterinary Association International Symposium and shared that they were training dogs to assist deaf people. Fascinating stuff.
I had planned a fundraiser event today at Joe's Uni, but the weather has rained it out. We've rescheduled for next week but I was still bummed. I go home to London on April 2, and I will be bag-packing groceries at M&S again to add to the funds. Then, I'll spend Mother's Day with the family and go to New Orleans on April 6, for the American Educational Research Association conference, which will be a good opportunity for me to network for a job. Then it's back to Blighty on April 13, and the run on April 17. Crikey!
About Me:
Two years ago I ran my first marathon, in Anchorage, Alaska for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Other sports fundraising I’ve participated in includes two 120-mile bike rides for the American Lung Association. So now I’m running for Hearing Dogs, and here’s why:
My great-grandmother was deaf. During WWII, she lived in London’s East End with her daughter, my grandma Joyce. Joyce, born in 1933 should have been evacuated but she couldn’t leave her mother: She had to grow up being her mother’s ears out of necessity. I know a Hearing Dog would have helped them—after all, my own dog used to warn me of animals when we walked in the woods—so they certainly would have benefited. I can appreciate the value that the dogs provide to the hard-of-hearing, and believe that the abilities and companionship of a Hearing Dog are important. This run is to support their training and service.
About the Charity - Hearing Dogs for Deaf People –
· Hearing dogs are provided to deaf people at no charge.
· The charity receives no government funding, relying on generosity.
· Each dog is trained to the specific needs of the deaf individual they have been matched to, creating a life-changing partnership.
· It costs £10,000 to support a hearing dog through its training and placement.
· It takes 12-14 months for a puppy to complete its socializing training and a further 16-18 to complete sound-work training.
I am completing this event in honor of all deaf individuals who would benefit from the independence, security, confidence and companionship of a dog specifically trained to meet their needs.
Please donate here to support my run for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, through JustGiving. It’s a great way to support the charity: cost-effective, simple, fast and totally secure.
I hope you will visit my web site often. Be sure to check back frequently to see my progress. Your support is very much appreciated.
Thank You,
Clare Morrison