As a Geography teacher, I have regularly taught about uneven development and it still shocks me that so many people do not have clean water or adequate sanitation in 2020! I have seen this first hand during my 4 years living in China where so many rural communities still do not have this basic need available and the resultant impacts from this including preventable water-borne diseases. Thus, I have regularly used WaterAid's resources over my 10 year career to raise global awareness in my classroom and have promoted World Water Day so that students do not take the water they use for granted and appreciate what an important cause this is. I am really pleased to be running for such a worthwhile charity and hope to help those who need this basic human right.
Clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene should be a normal part of everyone’s daily life. Without all three, people can’t live dignified, healthy lives. With all three, they can unlock their potential, break free from poverty and change their lives for good. With clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene, children are born healthier. They get the chance to go to school and grow up to become adults. Women and men get to earn a living. Whole communities start to thrive. It sounds normal and it should be.
I have never run a distance this far before but am looking forward to committing to a training plan and ensuring that I am justified in my place. It will be challenging and hard work but hopefully worth it in terms of making a difference to WaterAid. Any donations will be greatly appreciated! Many thanks in advance :-)