As soon as Lockdown round two was announced Ruby-Skye wanted to know when we were getting the tent out again! All through our 38 night camp out she kept saying she wanted to camp on her birthday in November...well apart from the wind, rain and cold temperatures (and Ruby-Skye being diagnosed with an actual allergy to the cold!) what is there to stop us?! Never wanting to miss a challenge, make more memories, and raise some money for great causes Freddie was up for the challenge too. This time we are doing it for BBC Children in Need. Bearing in mind the time of year, and that they are at school still this time, our target is just a long weekend Friday 6th-Monday 9th but we will see how it goes! You were all so hugely generous before we've only set a small target this time, we know times are tight for everyone right now. Children in Need do some amazing work and every little donation adds up to help children in difficult circumstances. Together we can support children and young people across the UK to rebuild their lives.
****Update...extended from weekend to 7 days....