'Its just some running about in mud' I said.......'Its going to be easy' I said.......'Great way to fundraise for Alzheimer Scotland' I said........At least the last bit was true!
Turns out this is seriously intense, requires a lot of training, and involves 12 miles of running with electric shocks, confined spaces, heights, and all manner of torture and debauchery....
Alex and Heather are doing the one mile mini-mudder course for their Granny, this is especially a big deal for Heather who is not into getting dirty! Paul is doing the main one for my Mum. I am not partaking as im doing the fundraising and photos (also because im too unfit!)
My mum Alma is now in a nursing home as she needs 24hour care. Alzheimers is the cruelest and most feared disease as it gradually strips away the memories which make the person. Research is vitally important, as is support for patients and caregivers
To be brutal, as it stands there is no slowing it down, no cures and no survivors.
Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. Once you donate, they’ll send your money directly to the charity. You can donate by clicking the link on this page, or if you are more 'retro' i can pay cash in on your behalf ;)
if you are a uk taxpayer remember to tick the 'gift aid' box which boosts your donation by 25% courtesy of the taxman
Thank you so much for your support, it really is appreciated! :)