In April I will be departing for three months on an International Citizenship Service placement with Balloon Ventures in Kenya.
Balloon Ventures ICS is a programme that focusses support on young people in East Africa to start and grow their businesses to sustain their own livelihoods and create jobs for others. Volunteers are trained to support budding entrepreneurs over a 10 week period to imagine, test and grow local businesses -
The average revenue increase for an entrepreneur or small business owner going through the programme is 48%. This in turn creates jobs and wealth in the local economy, helping to alleviate symptoms of poverty.
As a team leader my role will be to provide pastoral support to 10 UK volunteers as well as general project management for the three month duration.
I have pledged to raise a minimum of £800 to go towards programme costs and any contribution would be greatly appreciated. It'll go to a fantastic cause that has a strong impact across the developing world.
I will be keeping this page updated will progress of the different projects over the three months, so please follow if you would like to hear about it :).
All the best,