We are a team of 7 physiotherapists and 1 occupational therapist from Christchurch Hospital who have decided to take on the mammoth challenge of the Ford Ride-London - Essex 100 - cycling 100 miles through the heart of London and neighbouring Essex.
The reason for this madness is to raise funds to purchase a squat rack and free weights for rehabilitation purposes which will benefit our patients and staff alike. The different weight styles and sizes will enable us to tailor the exercises specifically to patients to achieve our ultimate goal of establishing regular physical exercise to their weekly routine.
We also treat many UHD Hospital staff members when referred by the occupational health team or through direct referral which is vital in assisting with returning to work after injury.
We are excited to announce that Poole Hospital Charity and Bournemouth Hospital Charity have come together to create University Hospitals Dorset NHS Charity. Our mission remains the same, to enhance the care and treatment of patients accessing NHS services at Poole, Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals by fundraising to provide enhanced facilities, state of the art equipment and support NHS staff health, wellbeing and development. University Hospitals Dorset NHS Charity supports all areas of work at the University Hospitals Dorset.