Chris Everett

Chris Everett 12k Major Series

Fundraising for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity
raised of £500 target
by 28 supporters
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Participants: andy lodge,zoe tyler
We help the hospital to transform the lives of children


I will be running the 12k major series which is an event that is different from a normal run, as not only have you to endure 12km of running, but you also have obstacles, lots of mud and scary army people screaming at you to contend with.

This is my first proper run, so i am little concerned but know that my determination and comitment to my charity will get me through.

I only started running seriously a couple of months ago and regularly take part in a park run every saturday, which is 5km.

I am taking my training seriously and tend to go out running 3 to 4 times a week, at the moment doing approximately 2 miles each time. I am hoping to increase this over the coming weeks.

The most interesting place i have run at so far is around Whitby Abbey, whilst on holiday.Surely that shows my dedication, going running 3 times whilst on holiday....however, i did polish off a lovely fry up on each occasion afterwards.

The charity i am running for is Sparks. I am very fortunate to have 2 very healthy children. I however have also 2 nephews who's paths into this world were not as straighforward as my 2 girls. Sparks help ensure mothers and children in similar situations to what i have experienced and work to prevent and limit the number of times things don't go quite as expected.

It also breaks my heart when you see on TV, mums and dads who have to live with the fact that their son or daughter will not live passed their 8th birthday due to a rare disease they have. I could not bear to imagine what that would be like. Sparks will help these little boys and girls fight these diseases and get to their 8th, 18th and 21st birthdays like most other children. Again, they will also work to ensure that these diseases are cured to prevent any more children and parents to go through these situations.

Please give what you can, it's gonna be hardwork but i want to make it worth it with your help.




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About the charity

Sparks raises money to fund pioneering child health research across the UK, helping to find new treatments and cures for children and families who desperately need them.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £121.75 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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