My name is Cathy and I am travelling to Tanzania on the 24th of June for 2 and a half months working on the WASH programme. The money raised on this page is going towards Raleigh so they can continue to affect positive change in all the developing countries they work with.
My target to reach before departure is £800, so any donation, even the teeniest, is seriously appreciated.
Raleigh International is a sustainable development charity. They work with young people alongside rural communities to work on 3 key areas: providing access to safe water and sanitation, protecting vulnerable environments and building livelihoods
I personally will be working on the WASH programme (as aforementioned). I will be working with a team built from half UK volunteers and half Tanzanian volunteers. It is a community health and sanitation project, working on raising hygiene awareness, building toilets and taps (like the one shown above), investigating the most effective, efficient and natural ways to bring water to the villages and educating the local people on maintaining the resources we have put in place over the 10 weeks we have been working there.
During my time there I will be living with a host family in whichever village I am deployed to, a completely contrasting experience to how I live now which is a big part of what attracted me to this project (so I am brushing up on my Swahili as best I can!)
Thanks for taking your time to read this,
For more information about the great work the charity does, visit: