We all have mental health in the same way that we all have physical health. We are culturally raised to care for our physical health and are, on the whole, equipped with the knowledge of how to do so. We have an excellent NHS that is ready to help us physically when we need it and we are often comfortable sharing our level of physical health with others.
We don't seem to understand mental heath in the same way and sharing how we are mentally with others seems difficult. We don't feel necessarily judged for having a broken leg but fear judgement if our mental health is less than 100%.
If our mental health dips it can be at best, fairly miserable and at worst, life threatening.
I have experienced poor mental health and it was frightening and lonely. I didn't feel able to share how I was feeling because I didn't understand it, I wondered if I was imagining it, I was worried about being judged and the depression itself was, ironically, preventing me from having any motivation to do anything about it. I needed those around me to notice it, understand it and support me in getting help to restore me to full health.
I am running the London Marathon to raise money for Mind, a charity focused on improving services, raising awareness and promoting understanding.
I hope that one day soon, when we are asked 'How are you?', we will feel as comfortable sharing our mental health struggles as we are our physical ones.
It is Okay to not be Okay.
Any support you can give me will be hugely appreciated and for an awesome cause!!