It is that time of the year again when myself, Dave and Jake will be taking part in the Humber Bridge Memory Walk for the Alzheimer's Society. I had so much fun last year yet it was emotional seeing the sea of blue, white and green.
The reason im doing the walk is because my nanna developed vascualr dementia. She was the best nanna i could have ever asked for. She passed away in December 2010 and it was the worst day of my life, hearing that news. My nanna is and will always be my inspiration. She has inspired me to want to be a carer specifically in dementia care. For the past 3 years i have been studying SO much in relevant courses and in March 2016 i started my placement on the dementia ward at Grimsby Hospital called, Home From Home. I am SO passionate about what i do and i know my nanna will be looking down on me feeling so proud. Now i want to walk for the service users i care for also.
It is just such a heartbreaking illness that will only become more common. 1 in 3 people will develop dementia. We need to now all stand united and help fight dementia.