Last year in Zambia, I met a mother who ate only every couple of days. She didn't even have enough milk to breastfeed her baby, who was one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen. Both the mom and baby were literally starving. It was heartbreaking. I felt so helpless!
Some of the primary school kiddos (who I know and love) tried taking home some of their school lunch to share with their families. It would be like your 6 year old stuffing mashed potatoes and spinach in his/her pockets to share with your family.
Rob and I want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE and are asking for your help. Mothers Without Borders has 41 acres that are being developed into a sustainable agriculture solution to help with the ongoing Zambian hunger crisis (expanding the garden from 5 acres to 41). This could provide over 460,000 meals next year and every year after that!! $30 can provide 60 meals for these kids.
Please join me and Rob in MAKING A DIFFERENCE that will change the lives of the sweet kiddos that Mother Without Borders supports forever!