A few years ago, just before I turned 40, I started experiencing the first signs of mid-life crisis. I realised that I needed some reassurance that even though I was getting older I could still achieve certain goals that perhaps I should have attempted at a younger age. Participating in a full blown "Ironman" ticked all the boxes. I could find a sense of personal satisfaction and achievement whilst helping others in the process. Over the past 12 months close friends and relatives have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Fortunately most of them have overcome the illness while others are on the way to recovery. I am hoping that good news will remain the common denominator but mere hope is not sufficient. I had to take some positive action and using this high profile event to raise funds to assist with the cure and support to women dealing with this sickness seemed the obvious thing to do.
It remains for me to train hard to complete the challenge due to take place on 17 May 2014.Will continue reporting.