Hello, thanks for nipping over to this page.
I'm doing a bunch of stuff for Weston Park, got a 10k in December, a half Marathon in September and some cake sales and whatever else in between.
I feel like I owe Weston Park a few quid, as you may or may not know, back when my wife was my girlfriend she got cancer. Cancer has different stages, and this one had traveled a bit, so was on the serious side. I can't forget the day we got told that - It's like being hit in the belly with a big rock and someone spinning you round and asking you to run straight all at the same time. Basically a total nightmare if you weren't expecting it.
I'd never really been through anything like that before, so of course I thought the worst, I think I cried once on my Mum, and my little sister might have seen me. I'm not sure Becky has ever seen me cry - I remember thinking that at the time. Hopefully she doesn't have to see that again. Anyway, the one clear thing I do remember about that undignified breakdown was my mum saying "but she's at Weston Park, don't worry." I had no idea what she was talking about, but she's usually spot on - I took her word for it without really understanding. It wasn't until Becca's treatment started that I got it.
Some of the best humans I think I'll ever encounter happen to all work in the one Hospital, there's too many names to mention, all I know is that I get to argue with Becca about what we are having for tea, about the price of new bedding. I get to listen to her tell me about gold and silver shoes, and show me pictures of them 100 times a week without actually buying them. I get to scrape her off the bathroom floor and take her contact lenses out before she pukes in a bin and passes out on Saturday nights, I get to listen to her tell me the flat is freezing when is just isn't. I'm super grateful that Weston Park gave me the chance to get to do all that.
There's still some difficult stuff to go through from time to time, turns out having a life threatening illness has side effects. But I worry a lot less knowing Weston Park is just up the road.