3 mountains in 24 hours, what could be easier?! It's been a challenging year for me and so I thought I'd really take that to another level (mountain level) by participating in the 3 Peaks Challenge for Aspire.
My target is £600 for the charity Apsire, which provides invaluable support to people who have suffered life changing spinal injuries. Devastating accidents can happen any time and will turn someone's life upside down. I did not know about the work of Aspire until I joined the 3 Peaks team but I have to say that I am overwhelmed by the stories of people who the charity have helped and the support that it provides. Please take a moment to read about it's work.
Aspire provides housing support for people who cannot return to their homes after their accident and have no where else to go other than a care home, where they would probably be isolated and alone. Some people consider ending their lives at that point. I was shocked to learn of a man who tried to switch off his ventilator in the care home using the only functioning part of his upper body - his neck - because he felt so desperate. Donations to Aspire will go towards adapted homes for people whose lives have changed beyond recognition and give them an environment in which they can rehabilitate and feel safe.
Aspire also provides assitive technology to help people communicate after their accident. I cannot imagine what it must be like to be paralysed and unable to express myself in the way I am used to. Funding for technology will allow seriously injured people to commuinicate their needs and requirements and enable them to take back control of their lives.
The charity also helps people come to terms psychologically with the injury; dealing with being treated as a disabled person, helping them come to terms with their new perspective on the work (usually from a wheelchair) and re integrating in their social lives.
The work of Apsire means that people don't have to lose their independence or dignity. It is a really important cause. Please sponsor me in completing this challenge to make a difference.
Thanks!! See you at the bottom.