Dearest Friends & Family
For the past 15 years I have applied to enter the London Marathon. Finally this year I have secured a place to run on April 23rd and for Macmillan, a charity which is so close to my Family and I know so many of you out there.
Back in 2020, our family was suddenly shocked to the core when my wife, Clare, was diagnosed with cancer. During challenging and what felt like particularly lonely times, Macmillan supported “Team Cottle” and more importantly Clare throughout the whole upsetting and emotional events.
Words cannot describe what great things all the people at Macmillan do in terms of care, support but just general warmth and friendship. This is not a job for these people, it’s doing something they really have a genuine love for whilst having to deal with very difficult and emotional circumstances along the way.
They were there for Clare, right from delivering those scary words whilst she was alone due to COVID restrictions, through surgery and radiotherapy. It was the little things that made the most difference, they gave a heart shaped pillow to make her more comfortable post-surgery, counselling support after treatment, offering healthy fruit and vegetables to support the immune system and giving acupuncture to help with the side effects fromher tablets.
More than anything they were just there at the end of the phone whenever she needed them, they truly understood and cared.
For that we are eternally grateful.
Macmillan Cancer Support is here to do whatever it takes to support people living with cancer. The number of people being diagnosed with cancer is rising yet more people are surviving from cancer than ever before.
So…… I am trying my best to get out there and do as best as I possibly can. I can assure you it’s a little challenging in the early mornings with wind and rain, however, I know its all worth it and quite frankly a small penance to pay when you appreciate just how cruel life can be for so many with this cruel disease.
I am extremely conscious of the pressures we are all under given the current living crisis, however, any monies would be gratefully received and would mean the world to our family and so many people in the UK.
Thank you for reading and thank you for any support you can give.
ps: Thank you to all of you have supported me to date, it means a great deal.