Thank you for visiting my JustGiving page. Sadly, the Thirsk 10 has been rescheduled due to low entry. The race will now be taking place in March. This doesn't mean you can't sponsor me though, especially as I'm still training!
This Saturday just gone I ran my first competitive race since I left primary school all those years ago. It was only a 4 mile race but had to tackle a killer hill twice! When I turned up for the race and saw how professional everyone looked I was convinced I would finish last by a country mile, but I managed to beat 3 people to the finish line. I was extra pleased that I finished the course in 32 minutes, averaging 8 minute miles on a course I've never seen the like of before.
Rokpa is a wonderful charity and, having seen their work in action during my time in Bodhgaya, India, I can confirm that their motto; 'Helping where help is needed' is most certainly true.
Please visit to find out about their work in India, Tibet, Nepal, South Africa and Zimbabwe.
£2 will buy someone in need a pair of specs for someone in need (Having recently joined the speccy club I think this is a great donation But, they don't have Specsavers 2 for 1 in Tibet so why not give £4 if you can afford it?
£5 will provide 50 hot meals at the Nepal soup kitchen.
£10 can support a Tibetan child in school for a month.
Please help me go above and beyond my target of £500 by giving what you can afford for this fantastic cause.