Hello Everyone,
Thanks so much for visiting my page and for choosing to sponsor me. I can't say just how much it means to me but hopefully the story below will help to show you.
But before that and so this appears in the bit before you need to click to read more check out the photos for pics of me and Dad (now and back in the day) along with a flyer about Ringsfield. I'll be keeping this site updated with my progress etc. so click back to see some updates.
My father was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer a number of years ago, this was successfully treated through radiotherapy at that time and I did then (2006) run the Liverpool Half Marathon (see pic) in aid of Prostate Cancer.
Unfortunately after a number of years in remission his cancer returned and has spread to a number of bone metastases, his PSA level is being successfully managed through hormone implants and he is thankfully a healthy 65 year old Dad and Granddad at this time.
As a now retired Baptist minister Dad has continued throughout his illness in his work; as a director (and now trustee) of a Children’s charity, The Ringsfield Hall Trust (Reg Charity No: 1093404), being editor of Green Christian Magazine ( and last year after 10 years was finally awarded his PhD and is now very proud of his title of Rev. Dr. Chris Walton.
My motivations for wanting to run for Prostate Cancer UK are therefore clearly linked to him and wanting to ensure that you continue to have funding to enable others to survive and enjoy a better quality of life.
However, the story does not end here.
Earlier this year, the Ringsfield Hall Trust ( began an urgent fundraising appeal to mark their 40 anniversary and provide funds for much needed works to the Hall to allow them to continue in their work educating children and ‘fostering the spirit of the child’ as their slogan promotes. In January, the fundraising was launched when Dad ‘performed’ an amazing 24 hour preach-a-thon ( and it was soon after this that we discussed how a year of fundraising might be brought to a conclusion.
This is when we decided that both Dad and I would look to enter the London marathon, Dad running in support of his charity with me running in support of the charity that has supported making all of these wonderful things happen.
Amazingly Dad got a place through the ballot system and I've got a place with Prostate Cancer UK. Finally, I must thank Anne, Megan and Joseph for putting up with me while I train and for all of their support.
Roll on April 21st!