My beautiful strong sister lost her battle when her heart failed her in the early hours of Sunday 4 August 2013. She was diagnosed with Lupus in 2002 after becoming quite poorly.
Over the years the illness took its toll on her body in all sorts of ways. It had affected all of her internal organs. Starting with her kidneys, her lungs and last but not least, her heart. The one thing Lupus could not take away from her was her zest for life. She was always smiling even through her roughest darkest days.
My sister has been an inspiration to a lot of people including other people living with the condition but most of all me. She was an amazing sister and will never be forgotten. Heaven has most definitely gained another angel. She was a phenomenal woman.
Sleep tight my beautiful strong sister. No more pain.
Please help support Lupus UK to beat this awful illness by donating in memory of this Phenomenal Woman, my sister Anne.
Thank you
Belinda xxx