I work for Civica UK. A major part of this years company's fund raising activitives is five days of bike rides between the Civica offices in the UK. I am doing day one which is from our offices in Northampton to Luton and then onto Bourne End in Oxfordshire.
There is already a page for fund raising for the charities supported by the Civica Charitable Foundation, these are very worthwhile - so please feel free to donate.
However, the reason I have set up this page is because I was due to do this event with my work colleague and mate of many years Simon Whiting. He's much younger and way fitter than I. A family man, he's done a number of triathalons, is sporty and is keen and always so positive. He encouraged me and chided me to do this and I was looking forward to doing the challenge with him.
Simon is in his thirties and he's just had a stroke. No one saw it coming least of all him. Thankfully he didn't suffer too badly and is recovering now - but undoubtably his life has changed.
How can this happen? Why him? Strokes don't seem to be too picky and those affected aren't the obvious ones.
This ride would have been a hoot with Simon doing it. I' m doing it and I'd like to raise money so we can help find out why this happens and help those that it does happen to.
Thank You.