Hello Everyone...
Between now and the end of June I am running the Ignis Women's 10k in Glasgow (13th May), the 10k as part of the Edinburgh Marathon (26th May) and the 5k Race for Life around Holyrood Park (17th June). I have done a wee bit of training, but for the first race on the 13th it's likely that I will have to walk a bit of it. My personal goal is to beat each of my times on the subsequent races.
I am the slowest runner in the world, but I hope that wont deter you from donating to the cause I have chosen to support which is Cancer Research.
I know that there are plenty of calls on your hard-earned cash, but Every Little Helps! and so whatever you can donate, it will all be very much appreciated.
Sponsorship is really easy, you can do it here, online