Welcome to the BMO Summer Party Raffle page in aid of Farms for City Children.
Over 4.3M children in Britain are growing up in poverty. Child poverty is about more than income, for many children poverty can mean uncertainty, stress, hunger, loneliness, boredom, poor health and a lack of opportunities and sadly educational outcomes for these disadvantaged children is often poor. For these children, the opportunity to have positive engagement with the natural world and all its life-enhancing benefits is also more limited. This is why Farms for City Children works with as many disadvantaged and inner-city schools and children as possible to offer stays at their farms, where every child acquires new skills, experiences and a sense of achievement to take back home and to school.
Farms for City Children provides a completely different life experience and is brilliantly placed to provide a spectacular natural environment to heal and recover and to empower disadvantage children to see a bigger, brighter future. Please show your support by purchasing a raffle ticket(s) for this fantastic cause!.
Each ticket is £5 and you may purchase multiple tickets.
To purchase your Raffle tickets, please donate on this page, making sure to enter your First and Last name. Each £5 donated will earn one entry into the prize draw.
The draw will take place at the BMO Summer party on Monday 11th July.
Good Luck!