Next week, Wednesday 24th September is my 62nd birthday and rather than buying me a hugely expensive present, I would be most grateful if you could donate to the Rugby Portobello Trust – a very worthwhile charity based in Notting Hill Gate. I intend to jump out of an airplane on that day and parachute to the ground – which I have never done before.
The Rugby Portobello Trust (RPT) is a very worthy youth charity, situated to the West of Notting Hill Gate. Notting Hill Gate and Holland Park are not just about celebrities, hedge fund managers and David Cameron droogs – there are parts of the West Ward that are very tough and where kids are born into, and lead, very challenging lives. Tragically, what so often happens is they choose crime and drugs etc.
RPT works with over 1,000 local young kids who move through the Trust's seven hostels, Homework Clubs, Youth Clubs, Magic Mums Club, sports academies and alternative provision school.
As guns, gangs and knives become all too common in pockets of West London, RPT is working directly with local young people to teach them the skills they need to help themselves build a better life and make informed choices to keep them safe and crime-free But they need financial support to continue to do this – to keep their doors open four days a week to these young people so as to keep them off the streets.
Thank you,