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Following a spinal cord injury, resulting in tetraplegia, my late husband found himself in a world where he required 24 hour care and a variety of equipment to get him through everyday life.
He was fortunate enough to have support and funding for the care he needed and the wheelchair and adapted vehicle he relied upon.
But there are many children and adults who are not as lucky to have such help or funding. This is where Diverse abilities steps in:
Diverse Abilities is an independent, not for profit organisation working together with families to help meet the needs of local people, of all ages, with physical and learning disabilities.
We are dedicated to supporting their needs today and into the future while enabling them to experience a lifetime of opportunities and challenges.
We endeavour to achieve this through tailor-made programmes of support, developed according to the needs of the individual through every transitional stage of their lives and personal development.
We provide the people we support with a little bit of sunshine and ensure they have an enjoyable and fulfilling life.
Please help me to help them!
Thank you.