Thanks for taking the time to visit my justgiving page and supporting me!
This year I am taking on the biggest challenge of my life- the 12in 12!
One team, 12 months, 12 challenges, one mission to raise £250,000 for HOPEHIV. This is a charity that supports children and young people in sub- Saharan Africa who have been orphaned or affected by HIV/Aids.
Each challenge will be testing me physically and mentally and some of them petrify me.. But the thought that I am making a difference in the lives of children and these communities in Africa will push me to go further and faster.
Please see some of my events below:
Jan : Yoga challenge
Feb: Dorney lake Duathlon (Olympic distance)
March: Kinetica Spring Ball baster Duathlon (8 mile run, 24 mile bike, 8mile run)
April: Breakfast run- (16mile)
May: Cycling 100m/day Hampshire Hill
June: London - Paris Cycling in 3 days
July: London – Brighton Cycling
August: 3 highest peaks challenge
Sept: Dorney Lake Triathlon
Oct: Annual Rowers Triathlon (row, cycle, run)
Nov: November Cycling event tbc
Dec: Marathons
Its going to be a big year so please sponsor me! If you would like to join me on my events please send me an email at and check out our full team and event list at
All the funds raised will be going 100% to Africa and none will be used to cover the costs of my events or the charity administration costs.
Let's start now to make Africa's future one of hope rather than dispair!!