My grandpa Hugh Gilbert passed away in 2011 after a long battle with Alzheimer's. Less than two years later I lost my gran McNair's partner of more than 30 years, Jack McLay, to the same illness. She had already suffered the agony of losing her first husband (my grandad) to a heart attack in the 70's.
I want to do all I can to raise money to help fight this illness. Both Hugh and Jack passed away not recognising their family or friends and no longer able to look after themselves which was difficult for me but it's an experience that was heartbreaking for my mum Pat and both grans Janet and Maureen.
I don't want my future family to see me suffer the same fate and the same goes for families across the world. My heart goes out to those who are currently experiencing the illness in their family and hopefully together we can make a difference to the quality of life for those suffering with the disease and one day find a cure.
To that end please donate what you can and join the fight against Alzheimer's.