This year Amanda, Kerry & Rachel are walking the streets of London in their BRA’s!!!!
Scroll down to find out why we are doing this mad mission....
So that time comes when you get an email reminding you that it’s time for the Moonwalk registration and for a split moment you think, ou let’s do it again... Which then turns into I can do a marathon 12 week’s after giving birth I’ll be fine.....
What seemed like such a good idea at the time is now reality!
Training has started and Finley has even been on a few walks, although he has slept and feel he is at an advantage being pushed up the hills that challenge us.
But, yet again I’m doing this mad crazy thing so that we can help families out there that are affected by Cancer. Having Finley has made me realise just how hard it must of been for my Mum to say goodbye to us when we were kids, no mother should ever have to do that. If me walking 26 miles in my bra can help one family have more memories then I’ll keep doing it!!
Whether it’s a penny or a pound everything counts and I appreciate it more than words can ever say. I'd like to say I won't be sobbing as I finish this year but let's be honest I probably will!
Please support us on this emotional rollercoaster of pain, delight & complete madness!!!
Thank you
Amanda / Moz xxxxx
I am joining Amanda and Rachel this year to complete the Moonwalk, which is a marathon that is completed throughout the night walking the streets of London in our bras!!!
There is a method to our madness and that is to raise as much money as possible for Breast Cancer… a charity very, very close to my heart. I remember my Mum telling me and my Sisters that she had breast cancer… my world fell apart. What would I do without her… seeing your Dad cry is a big shocker!! Thankfully and amazingly my Mum beat the cancer and is now living life to the fullest and me and my family couldn’t be more grateful to have her with us (people who know her know how amazing & funny she is). Some people are less fortunate with thousands of people losing their battle each year. Every 2 minutes someone is diagnosed with cancer in the UK and I am sure everyone knows someone who has suffered with this terrible disease…. So please please please help us to donate to this brilliant charity to help save more lives. Please dig deep, every penny counts and your donation and support is massively appreciated.