On May 24th 2017 my cousin Anthony Smith was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
Since then Anthony has courageously battled and is now very close to surviving a year since diagnosis which statistically he had only a 5% chance of achieving. He has selflessly embraced building awareness and fundraising for Pancreatic Cancer Action (PCA) to help achieve earlier diagnosis for others and additionally has inspired many others to do the same.
You may be aware that pancreatic cancer symptoms most often show when the disease if very advanced and has usually spread to other organs but by improving awareness of symptoms we can improve earlier detection rates.
Please see PCA website for details of the symptoms to watch out for and how PCA fund vital research, create medical education programmes and national awareness campaigns.
So please dig deep everybody! Despite my jump already being booked and paid for I'm hoping for lots of donations to PCA and therefore absolutely no excuse to chicken out!
Many thanks