Yep. Running* the Virgin London Marathon. Bet that’s a sentence you didn’t ever think you'd see!
In what can only be described as a moment of grief induced madness I signed up to run* the London Marathon with my brother, Callum, to raise money for Pancreatic Cancer UK, and low and bloody behold we got in so now I have to do it. All 26.2 miles. At first I was all like ’26 miles, how hard can that be. Old people and people dressed up as giant banana's manage it so why can't I?’ Then I went for a run and thought I was having a heart attack after 200m and realised what I had got myself into. It’s fairly obvious that I’m not an exercise person so this really is a huge challenge for me and a massively worthwhile charity that I’m supporting.
I’ll spare you an X-factor style sob story but we are running in aid of Pancreatic Cancer UK as in January this year my dad died from this disease less than a year after being diagnosed. He was 60.
Prior to my dad being diagnosed I didn’t really know anything about the pancreas, other than we all have one, and so had no idea about pancreatic cancer. When I was told that this is what he had I assumed that with perhaps an operation and some chemo he would have a fighting chance at a full recovery. A cursory Google revealed that in fact the survival rate is only about 3% and only about 18% of people make it past the first year. Oh. Basically, this type of cancer is sneaky bugger. There’s not many symptoms so by the time you realise you’ve got it, it’s pretty much killed you.
I’m running* for Pancreatic Cancer UK for three reasons. Firstly, they fund vital research into early diagnosis and treatments, both of which are vital to improving survival rates. Secondly, they campaign endlessly to increase awareness so people who have associated symptoms don’t just ignore them. And lastly, they provide an incredible network of information and support for both sufferers and their family and friends.
So, thank you in advance for any amount you are able to contribute towards my funraising. No matter how big or small, it will make a huge difference and hopefully less people will have to go through what my family have been through.
*just to be clear, by running I actually mean a mixture of slow jogging, walking, standing still wishing I’d never decided to do this ridiculous race and eventually crawling when my legs get so tired that they can no longer hold me up.